Short animated film "Our granny" was made as a part of the matura exam. 

The story tells us about a woman (later grandma), who needs warmth. At first the one's giving her that warmth are her wonderfull children. But when the time comes for them to move away and become independent, they decide to give her a dog in exchange. And it fills the hole in her heart. 

Director & Animator - Laura Zalar 
Dolls & Set design - Pika Štefančič 
Camera & Post production - Vanda Stubelj 
Sound design & Music - Vanda Stubelj, Pika Štefančič, Laura Zalar 
Mentor - Davorin Babič 

Our sincere thanks go to everyone, who helped us create this film in any way. 

The Secondary School of Multimedia and Graphic Technology Ljubljana 
julij 2020 
All rights reserved
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